Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Trader Joes is poisoning you

 Grocery store vegetables are they safe?

What are we eating and ingesting in our daily lives? This is from a produce box at a local grocery store and this is a list of ingredients “either or not”sprayed on the fruit and vegetables to maintain freshness… But I wonder at what cost to our own health?

“ Treated to maintain freshness in transit with one or more of the following: Azoxystrobin, Fludioxonil, Imazalil, Propiconazole, Pyrimethanil, and/or Thiabendazole-

Coated with Food-grade vegetable wax, beeswax, lac resin, and/ or wood resin.

U-5-21 (note-might be date?)

This was on every box, that we looked at. I definitely understand the need for freshness, but one wonders how much of this is distributed into our breathing, into our skin, and into the vegetables and fruits that we eat even if we wash them. And then one wonders what effects it has on the body.

I know that when I work/ or walk on a grocery store that, periodically,  I’ll start coughing and wheezing and my eyes will water and my sinuses will load up with mucus -it doesn’t last very long but it’s almost like I breathed something that poisoned me and my body is rejecting it out of my lungs- almost feels like a very very short term “cold” and then that makes me wonder if colds aren’t just the body natural defenses to extract all the poisons that we breathe or that we’re exposed to from our skin -the air we breathe etc. and it’s just the body‘s natural way to expel the poisons?

This begs the good argument that maybe we should be growing our own food or from trusted sources that we can monitor like urban farmers? Also may be growing more produce in our yards rather than just having grass and bushes that don’t do anything nutritional for our lives.

Anyway I encourage all of you to read up on all these insecticide and pesticides that are on your produce every time you go to the grocery store with either you or your children. Here is the image from the box and there were seven other boxes with all the same messages on it with various types of fruits and produce.

As always I’m interested in your thoughts, and always willing to sit down and talk to people face-to-face and engage in spirited conversation.

Bill Poindexter