Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Weather manipulation over Kansas City…

 I am so sick of all the cloud seeding (poisoning) going on. The powers that be whoever they are are putting silver oxide into the skies to create weather. Somethings been going on for 70ish years- it has been increasing recently and I’m unsure why, but I actually have some ideas. There’s a ton of research out there. Just Google it and I put a couple links at the bottom of this post. 

I’m not trying to convince you either way. I’m just telling you what I see and what I hear and what I feel. If you don’t believe me, just look up at the sky if you see trails in the sky and then it rains two or three days later it’s cloud seeding -it’s pretty simple. There’s no conspiracy theory it’s true. I’d like to know who’s doing it and who gave them information to do it because it’s my world too. “You” do not have my permission to do this and if you’re reading this, you think I’m being harsh, tell me if you gave these people/ pilots permission to put poison in the air. It is poison because it’s silver oxide- so little particles of silver. And you keep doing this to the environment to the earth it’s going to have detrimental effects to the environment to the animal life, plant life and to people including your children. You might want to read Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring.

It will help you understand a little bit better. If you want to engage me feel free to I’m open to debate anytime any day but it’s going to be face-to-face. I have no interest in doing social media debates. Also, if you live in the Kansas City Missouri area and want to engage in public debate or conversation, feel free to reach out to me.this country was founded on good open dialogue with opposing views happy to engage any time.

And truly, they are spraying us like bugs

If you want more proof go for walks every day, look up at the skies, watch the trails of poisons, and then pay attention to what happens the following days. Pay attention to your body how it reacts is it tries to purge out the toxins, pay attention to the animals the wildlife And the grass in the flowers and the bugs and the bees. Everything’s related this is all cause-and-effect. Karmically we’re screwed. But we can fight the good fight. Feel free to engage me anytime you can reach me at 

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