Thoughts from home by Bill Poindexter
November 29, 2023 6 AM, 30°F, clear skies
60, cats, thinking too much, philosophy, procrastination, odd jobs, synchronicity, seer, nature, asking God and universe-What’s next?, My expeditions, and future bikepacking expeditions, what’s really important, meeting Jesus in Baja, being thankful
I turned 60 on the 27th. The last couple of weeks have been a very reflective time which is pretty normal for me this time of year but more so turning 60. I’m still in that reflective mode, probably for a few more days.
Simply, I’m trying to figure out what I want to do, for the future, or at least the near future. Right now I’m Recruiting, working odd jobs, and writing, and philosophizing, and having a really good time with my three rescue cats and communing with nature. I’m feeling very happy at my home right now. And I’m doing a lot of thinking about myself, my life and the future of the world. The plan is right now to, do what I usually do, which is figure out a way to make some money and save a little extra, and head out on the road again and write about my experiences. Over the last few months, I’ve been studying other writers, styles, and experimenting much on my own writing. Kind of giving myself a masters in creative writing. I feel one of my callings is communication in the form of speaking and writing. So I’m going with my gut. I’m living on the edge a bit, in terms of financial security. But my painting of my life is large and vibrant. I’m used to living on the edge, I’ve always been a procrastinator, I like the feeling of the unknown, and always have the mindset of “what’s the worst that can happen“ I can’t tell you exactly why I do what I do or why I live the way I live, except that I’m true to my heart.
Life is so interesting, I feel like an observer of it. I feel very strong, mentally, and physically. If you were to ask me right now, “what is the meaning of life“ I would probably tell you to live it to its fullest try to experience everything you can make a lot of mistakes understand there is no balance there’s always gonna be ups and downs, and embrace the ups and downs, and at the end of the day show love and compassion to those around you whether they be humans, animals or nature.
Reflecting back on all my expeditions, short trips, and just my commuting around my home town, there’s always been an element of universal contemplation, you know -is there a God?
With all the weirdness of the world, it’s easy to question the existence of a higher being. With me, it seems, I’m always steered in a direction of synchronicity‘s and serendipity. That are hard to explain. From my intuitive standpoint – I see and hear everything. I’ve even been called a Seer more than once.
I find myself asking for guidance from the universe on a daily basis. Truthfully, I can’t tell you I believe in God, but I feel better when he’s around :-) which I guess means that I do believe in God?
Let me tell you a quick story: in the last decade, I’ve had some pretty cool experiences on my cycling and hiking trips. If you don’t know, I’ve hiked in the desert of Joshua tree national Park, and also on the coast of California – backpacking. I’ve also ridden my bike all over Kansas and Missouri, from Los Angeles, down through Baja Mexico, from Missoula, Montana up to Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, and back down to glacier national Park, from New Mexico to Banff, Alberta, Canada, and the last long ride I did was last year, where I rode from Kansas City down to Springfield Missouri and then took a left turn and bicycled to Yorktown, Virginia. And this past summer I base camped in northwest, Montana, where I worked, and was able to travel around the mountains and the national forest on a daily basis. With all these experiences, I commune with nature on a very intimate level as I’m usually camping and sleeping on a patch of ground. I’ve ridden my bike in all types of weather, and I’ve met many people and had many conversations about life and what’s really important in life. I’ve also done these trips with sometimes multiple injuries either chronic or overuse injuries. And I always going out with the mindset that I need to be hyper aware to be able to self rescue if anything were to happen – which is always been a good metaphor for my life. I learned how to self rescue at an early age. I guess I’m lucky that way. And on all those trips to as I push my physical mental facilities, I contemplate my own mortality, and I find myself talking with God/the universe. And there’s even been a couple of times where I feel like I actually met, and had a conversation with angels/God/Jesus. I could be wrong, but they were both unusual circumstances and good conversations. I will be sharing those stories soon.
Synchronicity has played a large part with all my trips before and after. Too many coincidences. To give you a few examples on one trip I ask the universe for a bicycle and a friend of mine loaned me a brand new bicycle. I also called that trip the grateful trip and I was walking on a trail And I just happened to look down and there was a button in the middle of the trail that had Grateful written on it. Another time, a friend of mine, who is a very strong Christian, and a good man said he felt that Jesus was after me for a relationship with Him, and I told him, my friend that I appreciated that, but I was very unsure of my faith, and about a month later I was on a train to Los Angeles, and my seat partner ended up being a young Christian woman going home for Christmas break and she was studying at a Bible school outside of Chicago. And that trip being the same trip where I went to Mexico at the end of the trip, I met Jesus. You laugh, or show doubt, I’ll tell you the story sometime.
There’s some pretty cool stuff happening right now as well. And I wanted this post to be short, so I’m not gonna share any more today as you can tell. I’m on a search for truth. Truth is so important to me and trust me. I’m not anything special at all. I make a lot of mistakes, but I do understand truth and I write about truth and I will never ever apologize for sharing truth. I feel like I’m almost ready to go out and do a trip alone. I need to be out in nature for a long time by myself. I need to figure out a way to make that happen.
I’m interested in seeing what answers I come up with.
Well, just wanted to share what I’m thinking and what my journey is right now. I’m hunkered down in Kansas City, Missouri, I’m recruiting full-time, working part time at a bike shop, doing yardwork and handyman work for a couple of people when there’s work, I’m writing, and I’m living my life on my own terms.
If you’d like my writing or wanna hear more about my stories or my current journey. Feel free to reach out. You can comment below or connect with me by sending me an email at
Thank you for your support
Peace and love, Bill